
Name Ayeshah Ashraf

Age 40

Where are you from? Toronto, Canada. 

Your education: Masters in Education. 

 What book are you reading right now? I am reading Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation, by Anne Helen Petersen.

 Who was the best teacher you ever had and why?The best teacher I had was in grade 7. His name was Mr. Bolt. He always wore jeans and a biker jacket and rode a motorcycle. Back then he was the coolest teacher we had ever seen! He was my Language Arts teacher. He took these texts which did not interest me in the slightest and made them the most engaging texts I had ever read. His approach was one that has inspired me to understand my students and make content interesting and engaging for them. I vividly remember our poetry unit where we had to dissect the meaning behind the poem of our choice. He supported me in choosing a rap song. He told me that yes, it was poetry. 

 What subjects did you personally enjoy the most at school? For me, I was always the artistic, not the booksmart student. I enjoyed Art and History the most. 

 What three skills would you like to learn? Arabic, become a certified Yoga instructor and how to create a website! 

 What is the greatest thing you have learned from your students? The greatest thing I have learned from my students is not to sweat the small stuff. My students are happy, smiling, and have a positive outlook on EVERYTHING. They are truly special and unique. Children find joy in the simplest things in life. I think we as adults can learn so much from children.

 A tip to share with parents: My teaching philosophy is to make education engaging and accessible for all students. I don't ever want my students to feel that they are any less than another. This is something that also flows into my parenting style. I want my children to be confident and feel that they can do anything and not feel that there is anything that can hold them back. Such a simple concept but over the years I have learned that the greatest barrier from achieving our dreams is ourselves. I want to help build my students and children's self-esteem and teach them that with hard work and focus anything is possible!


Meet The Teacher: Darlene From MoovKids